
For Co-President: The Rev. Bud Green

For Co-president: The Rev. Bud Green


Marijuana Legalization Activist and Social Justice Warrior





This is world famous Marijuana legalization advocate the Rev Bud Green.  About 3 months ago, Billionaire Businessman Alki David graciously accepted my offer of joining my presidential campaign for the White House in 2024.  Our original idea was to keep it a secret until we rolled out the campaign on our glorious country’s 248th birthday on our sacred 4th of July Holiday.  This was going to be a real campaign, with us holding rallies in all 50 states, gaining ballot access for our POT party, patriots opposing tyranny, and taking the fight to the Biden and Trump campaigns.  With our main message of federally legalizing marijuana, we stand with almost 80 percent of the American Voting public, contrasting that with the low approval ratings of our main rivals, demented Joe Biden and convicted felon Donald Trump, or as I prefer to refer to them as dumb and dumber.  This makes us legitimate contenders for the White House, especially with the resources that Alki David can help bring to our campaign to reestablish the rights of every American to life, liberty, happiness and the holy herb known as marijuana.  With such an uplifting message and platform we could not lose.
However, once the powers that be, aka the deep state, became aware of the impending Green – David ticket and how enormously popular we are going to be, they set upon a course of action of destroying the stellar reputation of a man I am proud to have as my running mate, Alki David.  They have brought forth their own deep state stooges to bear false witness against the most godly man I know of, Alki David.  They have now gotten a corrupt judgement against Alki David in an attempt to steal his wealth so that he can’t help fund this race for the White House.  This is election interference at its worst.  The elite and corporate controlled media are now using this bogus court case to ruin my running mate’s reputation and stop him from helping you, the people of the United States.


Alki David has always used his great wealth to do works to benefit the lives of all mankind, not just the elites who control our government, economy and media.  That is what has made him such a target of the deep state, or more precisely the Tom Girardi Crime syndicate.  They want to silence the voice of Alki David, because Alki David is your voice, the voice of the people of the United States who demand true freedom in this country.  When my running mate has attempted to expose the Tom Griardi crime syndicate, headed by presidential wannabee Kamal Harris and led by media mogul Barry Diller, and his henchmen in the legal world such as Tom Girardi and the evil Gloria Allred and her even more evil spawn Lisa Bloom, the media has silenced him.  And yet, Alki David has been proven spot on about the criminality of Tom Girardi, who is who is currently on trial for felony counts of stealing hundreds of millions from his clients, just as he has attempted to steal billions from Alki David.  Gloria Allred and her equally blasphemous daughter have also now been exposed for their money grubbing ways, with Lisa Bloom outed as a lawyer who claims to defend victims of sexual harassment being literally caught with her panties down as we found out she had been hired by noted sex abuser Harvey Weinstein to destroy all those who attempted to out him, including her own former associate, Rose McGowan.


Alki David could just take his immense wealth and do as so many others and just use it for personal gain and greed, but Alki David has instead chosen to use his wealth to better mankind.  Alki David is in effect fighting for you, the American public, as he fights these attempts to ruin his good name.  Let me tell you the real truth about Alki David, I have seen this man risk his own life to save one of God’s creatures when it was in a desperate struggle for life.  Alki David is the most godly man I have ever had the privilege to know in my life.  And I will not let the deep state ruin this man’s life and reputation, I will fight with every ounce of my god given strength to let the world know that Alki David is mankind’s last hope for salvation.  I urge my fellow Americans to see that the persecution of Alki David is actually a persecution of yourselves, and your goal to be truly free in this the greatest nation in the world.  Please stand with me in defending with your final breath Alki David, a man who has suffered at the hands of the rich elites who control our country for the crime of attempting to help every American enjoy freedom  As we near the 250 year anniversary of our great country’s founding, please join with us and lend your voice to the majority of Americans who reject the attempts of the deep state to ruin the most holy man I have had the good fortune to know, my running mate Alki David.
Throughout this website, we have posted some of the main points of the Rev Bud Green-Alki David Presidential Campaign, with the most important point being that if you will join me and Alki David in our quest for a new American Revolution to once again give every American the right to life and liberty, the people, united behind Rev Bud Green and Alki David, will never be defeated.


Thank you, God Bless America and God Bless Alki David!

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